Friday, April 15, 2011

Freedom Friday - Reject Apathy

One of my favorite magazines is Relevant Magazine.  I have been a huge fan since the magazine came into existence.

In this edition of "Freedom Friday" I wanted to highlight the "Reject Apathy" feature of Relevant Magazine.  They have an article in each edition of Relevant and also have their very own website that is a wealth of information with articles and videos.  Check it out by clicking here.

There are 5 different categories highlighted on the website:

Loss of Innocents: Rape. Child soldiers. Sex trafficking. Abortion. Slavery. The innocent and their innocence are stolen and destroyed around the world every day. Lending our voice to theirs can bring justice. Supporting victims for the long haul can bring healing.

Creation Care: From deforestation to coal mining, climate change and our interaction with the earth have severely impacted the poorest of the poor and their ability to survive. Paying attention to our lifestyle and how that affects the environment as well as facilitating sustainable agriculture globally can go far in lessening our negative impact on the earth and its inhabitants.

Preventable Disease: Today, HIV, malaria, measles, tuberculosis, pneumonia and diarrhea—all completely preventable diseases—will kill tens of thousands around the world. But there is hope. These diseases can be stopped—and it can be done in our lifetime.

PovertyIt’s about more than money—poverty is a lack of dignity. And true restoration will take more than a simple donation. Our hearts and our daily lives must become attuned to the poor—globally and locally. We must see how our lives impact theirs and seek sustainable solutions.

Unjust War: The effects of unjust war on the vulnerable are vast and devastating. We can become advocates for the voiceless victim—a light in one of humanity’s darkest places.


So, go check some things out.  Educate yourself and pass the word along.

Have a wonderful Friday :-)

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