Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Feel the burn

Feel the burn.  It's an expression that we relate to working out.  You know that when your muscles are hurting it's a sign of a good workout.  My favorite workout burn is when I work out my core and then for days, every time I laugh (which is pretty much all the time) it hurts my stomach.  Unfortunately, you can take one look at me and realize that this does not happen very often, but that is a completely different story :-)

And then there are those times you take it a little too far and pull something and then your body tells you "...oops, too much.  Now you have to rest."

I thought of that phrase "Feel the burn" today, but in a different context.  Sometimes life sends situations and circumstances that burn.  You spend time working it out and it hurts.  Sometimes it hurts really bad and you may think that you will never be able to move again.  But what is happening is that you are becoming stronger.  Your heart, mind, and soul is at work to strengthen you.  In the end you are a stronger person for it.

There are also times when life also seems to throw a strained muscle our way.  I think these are the times when we have permission to take a break and seek a little "physical therapy".  Seeking help from others does not mean we are weak - it means we are a community.  And then sometimes there is the need to bring in the professionals and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

So if you are "feeling the burn" today, turn your mind to the fact that you are becoming stronger.  Glean from the lessons of life and lean into the One who is the true source of strength in hard times.  God is ALWAYS by our side and ALWAYS has our best on His heart.  He ALWAYS give us the opportunity to use the hard times for growth.  He is ALWAYS good.  It might burn, but that burn will not last forever.  Press in to Him and press on to a stronger you.

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